Join David Essel’s “Look to Lift Others", International Movement for the Human Race

Join our movement to lift this world

David Essel

The world is turning every day into more chaos than we’ve ever seen in the history of many of our lives, including mine.

We see a lack of compassion. A lack of patience. Increase in anger. Increase in irritability. Increase in anxiety. Increase in blame. War. Campuses on fire. Racial inequality still in existence.

After being in this world, of personal growth for 45 years I look at the above and shake my head with disgust , we need a new grassroots movement!

I’m David Essel. I believe in the human race, and I believe if we follow some of the ideas that we’re going to share through our new grassroots movement, “look to lift others“, we can see radical changes within the next six months to a year!

Following in the steps of the most successful grassroots movements, possibly in the United States, the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s, we are looking for individuals to join us in this movement, to get involved, to start looking around at how we can help our fellow human beings, who are struggling, who are handicapped either physically Or mentally, who are alone, who have been rejected by society, the outliers, the disenfranchised.

Did you know, that if you simply look in the eyes of one homeless person, and ask them their first name, making them feel human, and then asking them how they’re doing and if there’s something like you can get them a sandwich if you want to go that far … These are simple steps that can help change not just the United States of America, but the entire world!

Along with the civil rights movement by Martin Luther King Junior, Rosa Parks had a huge role in that, we also have grassroots movements by the Dalai Lama, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Gandhi. And the list goes on and on and on.

We can do the same in regards to “looking to lift others“, as Dr. Martin Luther King did in the 50s and 60s and as Nelson Mandela did as the first black president of South Africa.

Skeptical? Of course that’s natural! But I’m here to tell you that this is real, we are going to make this work, and we are looking for people to come and join us in any possible way that you can.

Since grassroots movements have been around from the beginning of time, this isn’t a new concept. It is in regards to how we want to help this world shift and change.

We need to pick up the pace. We need a formula which I will provide. We need individuals that will support us and go out in their community just looking for people to lift their spirits, looking for people to help. That’s all we’re talking about it might take you five minutes a Day to look at a cashier in the eyes and tell her that her glasses look beautiful.

It might be the only kind comment she gets all day long. And it will change her.

“Looking to lift others“, is an international community of people of all races, all sizes, all incomes, all religious beliefs , Including those that are mentally or physically challenged, every individual in the world will now have an opportunity to help us all heal simply by assisting one person at a time.

Here are just a few stories of people who are part of our organization and how they are looking to lift others on a daily basis:

A man, who before joining our movement, had an aversion to speaking with obese people, joined us and the next day he got in line at the store where the cashier was extremely overweight. He walked up to the register and said, “ma’am, your glasses look great on you!“ She went to tears, came from behind the register and gave him a huge hug. He sees her now several days a week, and yes, you’re right, they hug! 

A young woman, afraid of all homeless people, joined our movement and decided to break through her fears. Outside a convenient store, a homeless man was sitting and just staring straight ahead, she asked him his name and would he like a sandwich? He jumped at the opportunity with so much gratitude. Now they see each other at the same store weekly, and simply nod and Smile.

And what about our children, how can we get them involved in this grassroots movement, so they’re looking to lift other children on a daily basis? 

Here is a story of one little girl, that made a decision to sit with a new girl in school, and while everyone else avoided her, at the end of this story that you’re going to watch, you’ll see that the whole classroom benefited from someone who looked and acted differently than they did.

But one little girl, knew that she had to do something different. Enjoy the video, share it with your children, share it with your friends, let’s look to lift other others daily.

Here’s how you can help:

Number one. Partner with us, by taking the campaign address,, and place it on your website, place it on your social media, pages, encouraging people to start to look for simple ways to lift individuals around them on a daily basis.

Number two. Leave your story here about how you looked to lift someone else and the end result... The more stories we have the more people will be inspired to do the same. 

Number three. Would you like to bring David in as a speaker to your organization, to inspire and excite your individuals as this grassroots movement takes off at a level we may have never seen before? 

David will waive any of his fees, that he has been charging for the past 45 years, so he can be a leader bringing information to your organization without you having to worry about affording his work.

Number four. If you are  connected to any form of media such as radio, TV, podcast, etc., David would be a fantastic and high energy guest, bringing great news for your followers on how to be happy and to support those in need!

This does not take a lot of effort. We ask people who join this movement to simply put a little sign on the dashboard of their car , that simply says something similar to, “look!“, Or, “be awake!“.

And then every time you get out of your car, it will remind you to look for someone that might need the door held open for them, or maybe in a store someone can’t reach an item high on the shelf, but you can, or you see someone that looks down and depressed, and you give them a huge smile.

This does not have to cost anyone a penny! It’s a matter of returning to the world as human beings, compassionate human beings, caring, human beings, loving human beings.

That, is what this movement is all about. 

Here are a few simple steps to begin seriously to look to lift others

Put a small note in your car, "LOOK TO LIFT OTHERS!". Then, every time you get out of your car, look at that note, as a way to stay in the present, looking to lift others. THEN BEGIN TO LOOK, THERE ARE SO MANY IN NEED OF JUST YOUR SMILE!

Get your kids involved!  Our children are powerful agents of sharing love, their beautiful energy is needed by others. Teach them that they can be a major part of helping this world to heal, by sitting with a lonely child at lunch, inviting a child to join their team or even their group of friends!

Let someone in traffic ahead of you.....daily!

Visit a nursing home... there are huge issues with loneliness for many residents, bring only your smile and kind words and a listening ear.

Look into the eyes of the homeless, someone in a wheelchair, or on crutches, an amputee... open your heart, even if it is hard at first!

Volunteer, anywhere! Your love is so powerful, just walking in a room with a smile can change peoples lives!

OK, these are just ideas to begin. Join us, share your stories. 

We need your energy and love, acceptance in this world now more than ever.

Share Your Story With Us

Click here to read all your amazing shared stories

Become an Ambassador for "Look to Lift Others"

If you’d like to become an Ambassador, we are welcoming people to email us at and let us know your interest and whatever it is that you might want to bring to the table. We welcome you, we support you and we would love you for being a part of this movement!

If you know of any organizations or charities, that we can partner with to get their message out and our message out please email me directly at

The time is now. We can’t wait any longer. No one is going to do this for us. We the people, have to do this, not just for ourselves, but for everyone else in this world.

Thank you so much for joining this page. Thank you so much for any effort that you can share or any ideas that you have that could help us get this movement out faster, reaching more people than we can do on our own.

When the NBA and the NFL came out with mental health messages on television over the last several years, we knew they were doing the right thing.

And now we have a chance to join organizations like the above, so that we can all do the right thing: “helping others that need our help.”

Sharing love, sharing light,

David Essel, MS, OM 

  • Dr. Pat Baccili

    Dr. Pat Baccili

    Dr. Pat Baccili is a leader in the field of human potential and the creator of the remarkable “Epic World”.  An international award winning talk radio host, TV commentator, keynote speaker, certified career and belief coach, dynamic seminar leader, award winning author/researcher on fostering respect and trust in the workplace, inspirational speaker, and CEO of a successful motivational company.
  • Steve Infanti

    Sports Director

    NewsChannel 9 WSYR-TV
  • Christin Collins

    Christin Collins, Interconnected Wellbeing Advocate

    I am honored to be added, and love the vision for this!

  • TJ Tauriello

    TJ Tauriello

    "With all the turmoil in the world today, we need to come together and spread kindness and respect.

    David’s grassroots movement “Looking to Lift Others” is the platform to do just that. David has been helping millions of people in every area of life, regardless of their circumstances and I am 

    honored to be an ambassador for this empowering movement. Love is everywhere."

    Celebrity Publicist, New York and Los Angeles

  • David Essel

    David Essel

    David Essel, Founder of “Look to Lift Others“, Author of 16 books, Counselor, Executive Coach,  Radio, TV Host, all faith Minister.
  • Robin Andresen

    Robin Andresen

    Meet Robin Andresen, a passionate advocate for positive change and a beacon of hope in the world of Autism support. As a dedicated Registered Behavior Technician, Robin works with children with Autism, making a profound impact on their lives. Recently, she was awarded a scholarship to pursue a Master’s Degree in Applied Behavioral Analysis, paving the way for her to become a Board Certified Behavioral Analyst. Robin’s journey is driven by her unwavering commitment to lifting others and shining a light on the positive, embodying the spirit of an ambassador for a brighter future. She is so excited to be part of a much needed "Look to Lift Others" movement to shine light in this world! 

  • Joshua Leo Stuart

    My life mission is to ultimately help others maximise their true potential. Through helping others heal from their addictions, disordered eating behaviours & abusive relationships. 

    London, England
  • Barbara Moore

    Radio Show Host, Model, Actress, Playboy Playmate, Dancer, Humanitarian, Mother.


As a way to continue to help lift this world to higher levels of consciousness, compassion, service and more, we are offering all of the following books for absolutely free, either download or audible version, let your friends know, and take advantage of everyone of them! 

Lessen Your Burdens and Lift Your Spirits!

Learn how to increase your faith, inner peace, health & overcome all challenges with this powerful spiritual process!
Are Life’s BURDENS Holding You Down?
Are you struggling with finances? Faith? Relationships? Addictions? Mental health? Inner peace? The pandemic? Politics?
This program will absolutely lift your SPIRITS in literally minutes per day!

Download The Free Audible Now!

Take Your Career and Your Life to The Next Level!

As a sports psychology coach, David Essel decided to write this book after working 35 years with professional and college athletes from all over. This book is to help athletes rise above any challenge they are currently facing!

Download The Free Audible Now!

Permanent Alcohol & Life Recovery!

A New Approach to Go Beyond “The Steps” to Peace, Health,
and Joy for Busy Executives, and YOU! It’s time for permanent recovery! And this book, is your starting point!

Download The Book Now!

Helping Americans Heal!

Finally! A book dedicated to help us all heal during these challenging and chaotic times! Along with his new monthly program, Helping Americans Heal™, this book discusses how to deal with and overcome depression, dependency, addictions, and other afflictions brought on by these stressful times.

Download The Book Now!

The Ultimate Gratitude Journal

Learn David’s unique journaling method to help you overcome life‘s uncertainties! The Companion Book to: Helping Americans Heal!: The Ultimate Guide to Healing During These Challenging Times. Follow the program in this book and in just 52 weeks, you’ll be a radically changed person!

Download The Book Now!

Positive Thinking Will Never Change Your Life But This Book Will: The Myth of Positive Thinking, The Reality of Success

In this, David’s 9th new breakthrough book, David combines his 30 years of work in the field of personal growth along with stories from some of the top authors and success experts of our day, to shatter “the myth of the power of positive thinking.”

Download The Book Now!

To see all of David‘s books, along with the ones above for free, please visit his Amazon book page

Jenny McCarthy

"David is the New Leader of the "Positive Thinking Movement!""

Jenny McCarthy
Radio Show Host, Actress, Author, TV Host

Dr. Wayne Dyer

“David's destiny is to help you feel more alive in every area of life!

Dr. Wayne Dyer

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